
Welcome to Larne and Inver, with Glynn and Raloo Parishes

We are a group of three vibrant and historic churches, belonging to Connor Diocese of the Church of Ireland and the Anglican Communion. We endeavour to be parish communities that are welcoming and lively, working together to build up God’s Kingdom here in Larne and the surrounding area.

Our rector is the Revd David Lockhart.

Revd David Lockhart’s contact number is 028 2827 2788

Our curate is the Revd Heather Cooke.

Revd Heather Cooke’s contact number is 077 4568 8605  (Part-time Wednesday, Friday & Sunday)

The Parish Office Email: stcedmas@btconnect.com

For baptisms, weddings, funerals & pastoral calls, please contact Revd David.